Hard Too hard to conceal
The way you feel
What’s fake and what’s real
Too hard to show What you know
So you just go
When she reaches out
You got to run
Can’t face what you done
Hard to socialise
In front of all the eyes
Easier to tell lies
Tricking and treating
Taking a beating It’s you it’s defeating
You need to engage And lose the rage
To turn to a new page
~Shared at our ‘Healing the Mind’ InterFaith Meeting December 2021
From ‘Further beyond words’ a collection of writing by men in Herefordshire who have experienced mental ill health, illustrated by students at Hereford College of Arts.
All proceeds of this book will be used to support HMMH group.
Copies of this book can be purchased through Services for Independent Living.
Contact: euan.mcpherson@s4il.co.uk