SUMMER is the time when the earth opens up her secrets.
She displays her treasures slowly,
letting the buds swell and mature gently
until the flower is due to emerge from the sheath
and expand into full-blown glory.
One after another the trees and plants attain the culminating moment of flowering,
each held in check until its due season has arrived.
Summer has so much to bring forth in a short space
that she can fill the whole season with a succession of beauties.
The delight of this time is to watch the secrets,
which she kept hidden away in the dark and cold of winter,
unfold one by one in the warmth of the sun’s light.
She is spreading wide her mysteries before the face of the sun.
In the midst of winter she had listened
to what he could tell her of the wisdom treasured among the stars.
In summer she reaches up towards the Heavens,
bringing to light, after her own manner, what she has known within herself.
~ From the Christian Year by Evelyn Francis Capel
Shared at our online meeting ‘Full Moon Reflections’ June 2021