General Meeting followed by a Face to Faith opportunity

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Date(s) - 28/09/2017
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

The Pavilion




We would like to see as many of you as possible at this meeting to discuss how you would like your group to develop over the next couple of years. We have been running now for nearly three years and developed to a point where it would be useful to explore a further expansion of our events and greater involvement with our communities within Herefordshire.

It is also important to increase the involvement of the membership as a whole. We need to find a way to enable everyone to help organise at least one event in the year so that too much work does not fall on the shoulders of too few.

VENUE: The Pavilion on the Castle Green, Hereford
see for a map.
There is no parking at the venue but parking (free in the evenings) on the surrounding streets … Mill Street, Cantilupe Street, Castle Street and Nelson Street. The Leisure Pool has a large car park, Wye Street and Gaol Street car parks are only 5 minutes walk away.

7pm – 8pm General Meeting
8pm – 9. 30pm Refreshments and FACE 2 FAITH
An opportunity to understand more about both the Sufi and the Bahái faiths.

(download the full Agenda as an Adobe pdf file here HIFG GM Agenda and Events 28 Sept 2017 )

1. Welcome Venerable Choesang
2. Apologises
3. Accounts Zak/Pete
4. Communications update Mike Hadden
Discussion Topics
5. The format of the HIFG Ven. Choesang
6. Events Ven. Choesang

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