Pity of War Sculpture
At this time, with war in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world it is appropriate to let you know that a maquette of the Pity of War sculpture is on display at Hereford Cathedral from Wednesday 25 October until around 11 November. The head of an unknown victim, with ears and eyes covered, but the nose open to the stench of war, it expresses the horror of war. Young people can touch it, as can adults also, but perhaps they will talk to one another and think of another way in which differences can be resolved other than war.
Readings for United Nations Day
Children Of Peace
In this time we feel for those affected by the conflict in Israel and Gaza and particularly for children caught up in it. It is easy to feel impotent and helpless faced with such a tragic situation so I felt that I wanted to let you know, with the support of our organising group, about a charity with roots in Herefordshire which I have supported for many years that does positive work towards peace in the region.
Reflections and lessons from the life of the Prophet Muhammad

There are many volumes written on the life and history of the prophet Muhammad covering all aspects of the divine message he came with, I want to draw out two elements of his character, using stories from his life. The first one in relation to his message of the equality of all people, the second in relation to his tolerance and compassion.