Interfaith Spiritual Day

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Date(s) - 16/11/2019
10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Green Lane Methodist Church

Come and Join us for A day of Spiritual
Contemplation, Conversation, Song and Dance

Sat November 16th 10am to 4.30pm
(arrive from 9.30 for a 10am start)

organised by Herefordshire Interfaith group
at Green Lane Methodist Church, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 8QJ

Together we will share spiritual community and seek to find wholeness
and healing including practical ways in which we can help ourselves and
each other in these challenging times.
We welcome all spiritual explorers, those of all faiths or no faith.
A bit more about the facilitators:
Karim and Susanne run workshops in the Dances of Universal Peace (a form of spiritual circle dance using sacred phrases from the world’s religious traditions) and devotional singing in Herefordshire, Birmingham and elsewhere. Susanne is a practising Catholic and Karim follows the path of Universal Sufism.
Brian Holley is a Quaker and retired trainer who helps deliver one-day workshops with the Kindlers team and is devoted to learning, teaching and writing about spiritual subjects.
Frances Biseker is a Methodist Minster currently serving churches in Herefordshire. She especially enjoys leading quiet days using music, art and craft.
Cost: £15 (concessions £8)
You are also invited to offer a donation to the church
Please bring vegetarian food to share for lunch.
Bookings/Enquiries: Karim Hadden
Tel: 01981 500764 email:

You can download a flyer here

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