We beseech Thee, O Lord our God, to set the peace of Heaven within the hearts of men,
that it may bind the nations also in a covenant which shall not be broken,
to the honour of Thy holy name.
Cleanse us with the cleanness of Thy truth and guide our steps in inward holiness.
Give concord and peace to us and to all living on the earth,
as Thou gavest to our fathers, when they prayed to Thee,
believing truly and ready to obey the All-powerful, the All-Holy.
Grant to those who rule and lead us on earth to use aright the sovereignty
Thou hast bestowed upon them.
Lord, make their counsels conform to what is good and pleasing unto Thee,
that, using with reverence and peace and gentleness the power
Thou hast granted them, they may find favour in Thy sight.
Thou only hast the means to do this, this and more than this.
Glory be Thine, now in this present age and age after age.
~ St. Clement of Rome (d. 99a.d.)